
Workload Planning Report: Resourcing the Academic Experience – Feb/March 2015

Workload Planning Report: Resourcing the Academic Experience – Feb/March 2015

Resourcing the Academic Experience: Report 1 – SESE & WLP (Last amended Feb 2015)

150212-05 SESE & WLP – Resourcing the Academic Experience UCU paper (v2)

This document is the outcome of consultations with UCU members. The central argument is that the University’s ‘Strategy for Enhancing the Student Experience’ (SESE) needs to be resourced through its ‘Workload Planning Framework’ (WLP). UCU highlights below the need for more hours and for systematic calculations of the academic hours that are required to resource the whole academic experience, in the interests of students, academics and indeed the whole university.

Resourcing the Academic Experience: Report 2 – UCU Members’ Recommendations for Improving the University WLP Framework in 2015-2016 (4 March 2015)

WLPRG150317-05 UCU Members Recommendations for WLP 2015-2016

UCU is pleased to have a University Workload Planning Framework. We are also pleased to note that senior management agree the link between the academic experience and academic resourcing – and indeed recognise the need to review tariffs, given the implications of the ‘Strategy for the Student Experience’ for academic workloads. Following member consultations, UCU recommends that tariffs need to be clarified and increased. It is also recommended that the University ensures all faculties implement the whole Workload Planning Framework, in the interests of parity of the student experience and equity amongst all academic staff. This includes ensuring that staff have equal workloads.

This is a follow-up report to the one submitted to the University WLP Group on 12.02.15 and the two reports should be read in conjunction with each other. This report is based on further consultation with all OBU UCU members, it provides additional commentary on the 2014-2015 University WLP Framework, and makes specific recommendations to management for improving the 2015-2016 University WLP Framework, in order to enhance the academic experience.