Oxford Brookes UCU Motions on Redundancies

Oxford Brookes University Branch Motions:

Motion 1:

This Branch has no confidence in the financial management of the university by the VC, which is causing staff to be put at threat of compulsory redundancy.

Motion 2:

This Branch notes:

In order to meet claimed financial challenges, the VCG at Oxford Brookes University have proposed significant academic staff cuts across a number of programmes in the university, affecting up to 48 colleagues. These cuts may include compulsory redundancies, a block on any progression or promotion, and the closure of two departments – Maths and Music.

It further notes that the University intends that the majority of these cuts will come into effect from the end of January, 2024, prior to the start of the second semester, and therefore part way through the academic year.

The Branch believes:

First, based on the University’s own public accounts, that these cuts and other measures are unnecessary in order to resolve the current financial challenges of the institution, and are based on untested and unfounded long-term predictions of the student market in general.

Second, that there has been a failure to consult the union in any meaningful manner, and that the consultation period is inadequate for staff and their representatives to provide a substantive response.

Third, that the withdrawal of progression from L to SL is contrary to the principles of the Post 92 Framework Agreement to which Brookes is signed up as a member of JNCHES

The Branch demands:

1. That the threat of redundancies be withdrawn

2. That the university enter into meaningful consultations with the union over an appropriate period to arrive at an agreement on financial savings, avoiding the need for compulsory redundancies, which as a union we oppose; and to avoid the closure of Maths and Music.

3. That the university remove the block on automatic progression from L to SL, and on promotions.

If there is failure to reach agreement on these demands in good time, the Branch will consider possible further steps including industrial action.

Passed at the Extraordinary OBU UCU Branch Meeting, on the 17th of November, 2023